Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG 107 .E66 2005 The grain market in the Roman Empire : a social, political and economic study / 1
DG 121 .O34 The Romans and their gods in the age of Augustus 1
DG 123 .S974 Roman emperor worship. 1
DG 124 .C616 2001 Kaiser und Gott : Herrscherkult im römischen Reich / 1
DG 124 .C968 Le Culte des souverains dans l'Empire Romain : 7 exposes suivis de discussions / 1
DG 124 .F288 Princeps a diis electus : the divine election of the Emperor as a political concept at Rome / 1
DG 124 .M131 Art and ceremony in late antiquity / 1
DG 124 .P946 Rituals and power : the Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor / 1
DG 124 .S427 The imperical cult under the Flavians. 1
DG 124 .T243 The divinity of the Roman emperor / 1
DG 125 .F789 The Roman festivals of the period of the Republic : an introduction to the study of the religion of the Romans / 1
DG 133 .C954 I tre templi del foro olitorio / 1
DG 133 .R627 I santuari della media valle del Liri IV-I sec. a.C : depositi votivi e rinvenimenti di Arce, Arpino, Atina, Boville, Canneto, Casalvieri, Ceprano, Colli, Sora, Veroli / 1
DG 133 .Z79 The temples of mid-republican Rome and their historical and topographical context / 1
DG 135 .M118 Prodigy and expiation : a study in religion and politics in Republican Rome / 1
DG 135 .P153 Fratres Arvales : storia di un collegio sacerdotale romano / 1
DG 135 .S318 Le collège des Frères Arvales : étude prosopographique du recrutement (69-304) / 1
DG 135 .S997 The priests of the Roman Republic : A study of interactions between priesthoods and magistracies / 1
DG 135.6 .H688 Roman aqueducts & water supply / 1
DG 140 .P397 2007 Roman pottery in the archaeological record / 1